Wednesday 11 November 2015

Had phimosis for 40 years, doesnt bother him and never had an infection

He writes:
Ok, so I've had phimosis all my life but never really been concerned. Then tonight I see a man on TV talking about it who seemed to have the exact same condition as me and the doctors insisted he was circumcised. I really don't want that!

My foreskin has never easily retracted over the head and only ever has about a dozen times my whole life!
For years I didn't realise I wasn't normal then in my early twenties after a rough bad hand job the foreskin was forced over the head and really hurt. The end of my penis ballooned and was reddy purple. I managed to force it back over but that was the end of that sexual experience lol. It seemed like that experience had weakened it though and it started happening occasionally during sex.
I had a good sex life for many years with only the occasional girl making a comment about my foreskin.
Sometimes if a girl jumped on top not too carefully then the foreskin could again be forced over. It hurt and looked ugly as the head ballooned. It's not really happened as much recently and I've even managed unprotected anal sex with my girlfriend without the foreskin being forced back!!

I've lived with it 40 years should I really try fixing it now?

Stretching exercises scare me!! Here's why. I'm pretty sure if I tried I could get the foreskin over the head when erect but it would hurt! I'm not worried about the pain but I'm worried I could be left in a half way position where the foreskin can be forced over the head more easily and goes over it more often during sex but causing pain, looking ugly and ruining the sex. My foreskin hasn't retracted for about 4 or 5 years now so I'm worried stretching exercises could take me back to the days where sex would be interrupted by the pain of my foreskin retracting.
I've never had an STI or any other issues so apart from not being normal I'm thinking just live with it!? Do many guys on here do just that?
Has stretching made things worse for anyone?
I certainly don't want to get circumcised :/

Wondering what spots are

He Writes: Hello there.

I've been using flesh tunnels for a while and the results are incredible! After 19 years I'm finally able to see my glans. And it only took some months to get it right (Almost right, as I still have frenulum breve)
Thank you very very much, Jim! Thanks to you I did not get a circumcision as everyone told me to.

But after I did it, I could finally see what was on the internal part of my foreskin, something that I've had for years but never understood (as I could feel it but not see)
Well, I don't think it's an STD because I've got this since I was virgin, so I've came here for help, as you guys have helped me before. 

Bunching behind glans