Sunday 7 November 2021

Guy stretched with phimocure and caused cuts

 He writes:

Hello, I'm so happy right now :D

Before finding out about my phimosis, I actually never knew exactly that the foreskin was supposed to retract all the way while having sex or for practicing healthy hygiene.

At the start of this year, I found out through porn that the foreskin was supposed to retract fully when erect. Obviously I then tried to retract in the bath and I couldn't so, I searched online and I found out that I had phimosis and that I possibly needed a circumcision. My brother was actually circumcised as a baby, I believe the reason was he had excess foreskin they said. I to this day still remember the excruciating pain he was in, and the huge amount of screaming, so this really put me off going ahead with circumcision.

For many months, I was scared of the possibility of surgery and I tried to "ignore" the problem until I finally earlier this year began to do more research and came across this reddit page. I also had purchased the phimo cure rings which I noticed progress from straight away however I didn't understand much about this all back then so I made many mistakes like wearing the rings in literally all day (really bad I know) and this caused very bad cuts which then caused my foreskin to tighten even further, and then having to wait for the cuts to heal caused a huge amount of demotivation for me to the point I gave up using them completely.

I then started getting into manual stretching with the help of this Reddit, I used the two finger stretch method but mainly the technique of retracting back as far as I could and holding this position whilst in the shower with warm water is what I found to be a huge success for me. Once I noticed I could retract when flaccid I then became very excited with my progress so started using the rings again but this time only wearing for a short amount of time, started off with 5 minutes wearing the ring and each day gradually built up time, and If I felt any pain I'd stop completely take the ring out and proceed the next day. I noticed a huge amount of success with the rings this way.

Fast forward to today and I've just successfully retracted whilst fully erect! With no tight feeling or pain when retracted, I still think I need to loosen it up more for smooth gliding back and forth, but the more I retract I feel it'll loosen up further and I also have 4 of the largest phimocure rings to use. The feeling is so amazing, and also I must mention about the pleasure, wow oh wow I can't actually believe I've been missing out on this for several years, I'm 18 now but haven't retracted since I was around 14. I'm sorry if this story sounds cringe but I'm feeling so happy for this achievement and I just wanted to share with you all.

I've taken progress pictures during my stretching journey, ( even the very bad cuts I experienced from overstretching), which I feel the need to post here to help and encourage anyone who's going through the same struggle I did. As I know how demotivating it is

Here are my progress pictures labelled below:

(Finally!! Retracted fully when erect today for the first time, with no pain/tight feeling):

(Start of my journey here, as you can see very tight at this point and wasn't even able to retract when flaccid. It was also tighter than this but I wasn't taking pictures at this stage):

Here you can see the really bad cuts that set me back, very demotivating as I wasn't able to stretch and after they had healed it was even tighter than before):

Ring Progress Pictures:

This a month ago when I could only retract half way when erect):

I remember reading these types of posts and that was what kept me motivated to continue through out my stretching journey so I feel it's only right I make one myself :)

For all those who have phimosis, stretching definitely works, and I definitely recommend committing to it as the outcome is for sure worth it.

If you have any questions or anything feel free to ask!

Source: Reddit, Nov 2021, User: Cute_Border_5490

Sunday 4 July 2021

Totally destroyed penis from masturbation


If this is him hard then the penis just looks destroyed from masturbation - the 3 spongy chambers look totally deflated and very small too. 


Guy had frenuloplasty

 Guy had a frenuloplasty.  The time in recovery probably allowed his penis to repair as he couldnt masturbate.

I can see the spongy chambers are still damaged and this is still a tight a foreskin. See:

Source: User:Blackcrows18, , July2021

Sunday 16 May 2021

guy nearly cured - did stretching


I would say it took me around 1-2 months. However even after I could retract, it wasn't that smooth but as I masturbated correctly (see my blog on why masturbation can cause phimosis: this and whatnots, I gained even more mobility.

At the moment, the foreskin extends even further behind the corona than on the last pictures.

Source:  Reddit, May 2021

Saturday 8 May 2021

phimostop better than phimocure?


"So this is my personal opinion here. Since the time it takes to stretch can vary from a couple weeks to maybe some months to multiple years ( like myself), there are different approches.

I think it mostly depends on the skin your phimosis "consists of". People who are "born" with phimosis probably don't have nearly as much scarred tissue there, as people who got phimosis because of some accident or whatever.

I'm on the later side and as I understand, scarred tissue requires more stretching, that's why it takes longer.

But I'm also not an expert, maybe there are also people who cleared their phimosis a lot faster than me (still not quite finished, but very close).

Afterwards, I can say I'd personally buy myself a set of Phimostop. I own a Phimocure set and also use it, but I think Phimostop is much more efficient, although its definitely more expensive.

The main difference is that you are told to use Phimostop many hours per day, while Phimocure is just 1 hour per day ( and you can't really wear them much longer).

Also I can't confirm but I would guess that these Phimostop things are better to wear in your daily life (wearing pants, walking, changing positions).

You can also look up, Phimostop is also buyable in some pharmacies, so its safe to buy it.

I mean Phimocure works also, but I would say afterwards that Phimostop would have done the job probably faster."


Editor note:

Wednesday 7 April 2021

Guy masturbates a lot


–]Sensitive_Rub_5812[S] 1 point  

As of now I masturbate quite frequently. I masturbate with my head covered as ut is difficult for me to mastrubate with foreskin retracted. My foreskin doesn't roll normally, it just accumulates near the head so it is difficult to mastrubate like that. Although I am planning to practice no fap from now.

Should I sleep with foreskin skin retract or head covered? Normally my skin remains on the head and I have to use my hands to pull it. It hurts a bit when I try to pull it while erect. How should I sleep?  [NOTE Username! Rubbing masturbation techniqque puts a lot of pressure on penis causing damage and can cause scarring of foreskin]

Stretching causes white skin

"So after nearly 4 weeks and no progress with rings which I’m still using I’ve noticed the skin which has been getting stretched has started turning white, is that normal? Am I doing something wrong?"

–]ojik 1 point  

I would also like to know tbh cause I have experienced the same thing since the first time I managed to retract while flaccid (maybe about 3 years ago) and the whiteness has not gone away 


Saturday 6 March 2021

Phimocure didnt work very well

He says: "Once I was able to fit a finger inside the tight ring of skin I would stretch after masturbation (the easiest way for me to stretch it) as well as use the phimocure rings periodically throughout the day, although I still had problems with the rings. I had made little progress for most of the past year, I only moved up 3 rings in about a 10 month period, when I read a post on here about leaving the rings in for an extended period of time.

Here’s the link:

This part is key, the rings used have to cause very little to no discomfort, as the point of the rings is just to encourage the skin to stretch to it’s full, heathy limit without too much pressure that often caused me tearing. and the OP advised to wear them overnight. I found that wearing them overnight would cause a lot of irritation, and that did lead to a slight tear, so instead I moved to wearing them for the majority of the day, and take it out in the evening, followed by some stretching a few times before I went to bed. While this was some trial and error, eventually I found a regimen that provided a good amount of stretching without tearing or damaging my foreskin."