Tuesday 28 July 2015

A user from reddit

Source: https://www.reddit.com/user/derpmander007

Editor note:  Looks like a lot of damage to the 3 spongy chambers of the penis.  His shaft is a lot thinner than the head - this indicates damage.  The actual angle of the glans isnt that bad so his phimosis isnt that bad and he can retract erect - albeit i would still class it as phimosis as there should be easy rolling of the foreskin and no bunching.  See my other blog for full explanation: www.uktightforeskin.blogspot.com

Friday 24 July 2015

Guy has infection on glans

The patient writes: "Hello. I'm an 18 year old, who until recently, wasn't able to retract my foreskin while flaccid.

For the first time, a few days ago, I retracted it fully and noticed what looks like an infection of some kind on the left side of my penis. It also appears that my foreskin is still fused to my glans on this portion of my penis (which from what I understand might be normal for a teenager).

My questions are: does this look like a yeast infection or should I seek the advice of a doctor, or perhaps a urologist? And, is there a way for me to unfuse my foreskin from my glans?

Here is a top-down picture of my penis with the foreskin retracted:http://imgur.com/UCi550f

This is a picture of the right side of my penis. There doesn't appear to be an infection on this side.http://imgur.com/pbJd0W3

Now this is the left side of my penis, which has the infection. This area is very tender to the touch. My foreskin is fused to the glans in some places in this area as well. Could this maybe be one of the reasons for the yeast infection?http://imgur.com/DeGVtSQ

Finally, this picture is taken from the bottom of my penis. You can clearly see the differences between the left and right sides.http://imgur.com/SWVXM0z

I started using clotrimazole cream only a couple of days ago so I'm not sure if it's been helping. In addition, I haven't used soap to wash my penis in years, but maybe this infection has existed for a long time and has just gone unnoticed by me.

Thank you for all of your help on this forum. I've seen great success with the methods espoused here. It is an invaluable resource for men with foreskin troubles."

Sunday 12 July 2015

Hurts to pull back- and what looks like smegma - but he doesn't think so

The patient writes: "I need help identifying these white areas on my penis. They kinda feel like excess skin. They are located at the tightest part of my foreskin. I'm not sure if this counted as phimosis, but it used to hurt a lot to pull this part of my foreskin over my head. This pain stopped a few months ago but instead these spots appeared.

Someone told me it could be a yeast infection, but from what I've read about it I don't think it is. I tried treating it with athletes foot cream for a few days anyway, but it didn't yield any results. I stopped using it because it made my skin feel very dry.

I also don't think it's smegma cause as far as I know you can wash it off, while this is like an extra layer of skin."