Sunday 12 July 2015

Hurts to pull back- and what looks like smegma - but he doesn't think so

The patient writes: "I need help identifying these white areas on my penis. They kinda feel like excess skin. They are located at the tightest part of my foreskin. I'm not sure if this counted as phimosis, but it used to hurt a lot to pull this part of my foreskin over my head. This pain stopped a few months ago but instead these spots appeared.

Someone told me it could be a yeast infection, but from what I've read about it I don't think it is. I tried treating it with athletes foot cream for a few days anyway, but it didn't yield any results. I stopped using it because it made my skin feel very dry.

I also don't think it's smegma cause as far as I know you can wash it off, while this is like an extra layer of skin."

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