Tuesday 3 June 2014

Different solutions for frenulum tightness

A few weeks ago, I've embarked on a journey to find a solution to the sudden pain and tightness of my foreskin.

Since then, I've been doing daily stretches that really helped to loosen up my foreskin and get rid of cumbersome foreskin wrinkles (around the glans). Unfortunately, my frenulum is very stubborn and still extremely tight - it did not really respond to frenulum stretching shown by Jim (when the under-part of the foreskin is pulled away from the body). 


  1. Oh my gosh! I have the same thing you do, phimosis! Wanna email and we can discuss tips tricks and other stuff to do with out foreskin/frenulum issues? My email is D.Intensity.227@gmail.com :)

  2. This is just a compilation of posts ( mostly from the network54 forum). Follow the advice on my other blog here: http://uktightforeskin.blogspot.co.uk/
