Sunday 23 November 2014

GIF of stretching foreskin the natural way

My theory is that most cases of phimosis are caused by damage to the 3 spongy chambers of the penis through too much pressure in masturbation.  See my other blog for further details:

This GIF shows how you should allow stretching to happen naturally.  What you want is spontaneous erections.  That last a long time.  This will push the glans against the foreskin. This CONSTANT (which is why you want the sspontaneous erections to last a long time) will expand the foreskin skin.  Note - it has to be SPONTANEOUS erections.  If you aren't getting spontaneous erections - you know your penis is damaged and you need to not use it to allow repair to happen.  This mainly happens during sleep - totalling 2hrs on average.  But if you masturbate a lot and your penis is damaged it is probably less and the fore of the blood filling erection will not be as strong so the stretching wont be as strong.

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