Monday 17 January 2022

Different stretching devices comparison

First try my method of stopping masturbating to allow foreskin to repair: Price: Free.  Website:

Here is a list of stretching devices available.  First and foremost you need to stop masturbating.  Which one is best - honestly i do not know. Glans pro has some interesting things to say on their website about rings and inflation devices (novoglan)

Just reading about a few people have said that phimocure rings arent that good and phimostop rings are better.  However there is a big price difference.  As of Oct 2022 phimocure rings are $31 and phimostop rings are 150 euros ($147).


Personal review from dorir5

WHY are stretching rings so SHIT?!?!? Phimocure rings are a fucking joke, they're stiff and their folding technique is ridiculous and very easy to hurt yourself with. Phimostop is 150 EUROS!! FOR A COUPLE SILICONE RINGS!!

WHY can you wear phimocure for 40min max 3x a day but you can wear phimostop all day?? what is this logic?

and phimboy:

Just my experience, but with Phimocure I get redness and puffiness after leaving it in for an hour, but with Phimostop there's no irritation at all, even after a few hours of leaving it in. Same ring size and everything.

Maybe that explains the different timing recommendations? Phimostop is definitely using a softer silicone plastic so maybe that helps.

Source: Reddit, Sep 2022

Price: $31, £22.99 as of Jan 2022


Personal review from phimboyon reddit:

I'm currently using this stretcher and I would recommend it as it's been working great for me personally so far. Previously I was using the Phimocure rings but I found that the tight band was quite sore and puffy after using them. The rings seemed to be cutting off blood flow too, which probably wasn't great.

The Novoglan balloons are far gentler. I've found there's no pain after a stretching session and I seem to be getting good results. It'll likely take months though, not 14 days as they say.

Unlike the rings though, you'll need to hold the balloon in place with your fingers, otherwise the balloon will come out. At least that's been my experience. It only takes two 20 minute sessions a day though. I just watch some YouTube or Netflix while holding it in place.


Also writes a few months later:

Phimocure is the most popular choice since it’s quite cheap and effective for lots of people.

Phimostop and Novoglan are two other options but they’re quite a bit more expensive.

I’ve tried all three and Phimostop is the one that’s working best for me at my current stage.


Price: $139 as of Jan 2022
Update: As of Oct 2022 they seemed to have changed price Price is now $159

Glans pro:

Price: $99 as of Jan 2022


Medical study: 

Personal review from phimboyon reddit:

Phimocure is the most popular choice since it’s quite cheap and effective for lots of people.

Phimostop and Novoglan are two other options but they’re quite a bit more expensive.

I’ve tried all three and Phimostop is the one that’s working best for me at my current stage.


Comment on tape:

I've been using Phimostop for a few months now, and it's taking longer than they say in the instructions. I expected this.

However, I am starting to run out of the bandages/medical tape that was supplied with it, and I want to buy some more.

I tried asking the company, and their reply was "it's just a standard band-aid", which is clearly incorrect.

I've tried buying Nexcare Micropore surgical tape, and Leukoplast tape, and they are definitely not a replacement. They're so sticky that I nearly tore a hole in my foreskin trying to remove them.

The tape supplied with Phimostop is sticky enough to hold the devices in, but not so sticky that they're difficult to remove.

Has anyone managed to source a decent replacement?

I went through the exact same thing. The Nexcare Micropore tape was horrible to remove and left adhesive behind. Regular Leukoplast tape was better, but still too sticky.

I've found this one to be perfect, even though it's a bit more expensive:

It's actually easier to remove than the tape that comes with Phimostop, and is just as sticky.

From User: federal_wing_9644:

"Your GP is unfortunately clueless, my personal opinion is get phimostop , it’s expensive… 130 euros , but it sure in hell beats getting cut when you really don’t have too. There’s other products like phimocure which are 30 euros I think , but the design of them is just bad in my OP. So to avoid wasting money on the less expensive product get phimostop."

Another Reddit Thread:

Price: 150 Euros as of Jan 2022

Glansie dx:

Price: £89.99 from amazon 

Price: £25.99

Less professional/commercial products:

A guy from reddit suggested a glansie type product:

 I use this tool to treat my mild phimosis and it is going good.It does some good & controllable stretching. Furthermore, it locks and can provide long stretching sessions (when laying in bed).I found it on aliexpress for $15 - I think it is a good alternative to glansie ($100).In the past i had used stretching rings with success (but there was some "residual phimosis" left even after reaching the last ring).I am only writing here to share my experience.

ps1. More than 1 sellers sell the specific tool so please don t claim that i am here to promote any shop/seller etc.

the foreskin does not touch the stainless touches the plastic thing around it.i think it can be used in combination with the rings - to speed things up when you are having trouble moving to the bigger ring i wrote, i consider it an alternative to glansie (which seems a good solution but overpriced).

Source: Reddit, Sep 2022

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