Thursday 16 January 2014

Mature female has phimosis fetish

I got motivated to share my opinion after lurking here for a while, just to add another perspective to the subject matter of this great, informative forum... and I have a confession, I'm a mature female and I absolutely love phimosis... right to the point that I can only find beautiful, sexy and appealing a penis with very, very tight foreskin (and thanks to the internet I know that I'm far from being alone in this).

This fascination has been growing since my early experiences with my first boyfriend back in my teens. I remember the first time I saw his penis: I thought it was the sexiest, cutest and most exciting sight of my life (needless to say, being "his" penis, that was initially enough for me to find it beautiful), but as we explored sex, I came to appreciate that long tight foreskin covering the head, ending on a tight tapered little snout which would never retract at all... we enjoyed quite memorable sexy times together for months until he ended becoming circumcised, obviously pressured by the so-called "professional opinions"... as I was young and naïve in sex back then, I didn't managed to convince him to not do it, despite the fact his phimosis never caused pain... he was convinced that he had to become "normal", and well... afterwards I sorely missed his old manhood, and in the erotic field, things would never be as exciting as before... then if I have a honest say in the matter, yes, I think circumcision ruins the penis, changing it from a fully sensitive erotic organ into a mechanical "tool", if the comparison makes sense...

I've had my share of partners since that early days, obviously with a marked preference towards uncut, but the more experienced I became, the more I liked the phimosis penis... I think there are another aspects into it as well; there is something deeply beautiful in the eroticism of a man with phimosis... his whole approach of sex can be inmensely caring and sensitive, never taking anything for granted, more willing to explore a girl orally, to massage and touch, and being in general more considerate and best lover than other guys, and despite the special care one has to have as a partner when handling a virility with tight foreskin, I decided that if the moment came to pick a definitive lover and companion, I'd want him to have phimosis.

Of course, I know that for some men is a problem when the foreskin is semi-tight and gets forced back and causes pain (and that's when the stretching is the most useful and the perfect approach, never resorting into any cutting), or when there are other skin complications like lychen or bxo... but those are specific conditions, and I feel is unfair to put all phimosis in the same badge. I really praise the dedication put by the administrators into this resource, helping to end so many misconceptions and prejudices and saving men from a nasty, unnecessary mutilation... happy.gif big hearts to you all

Okay... on an end note, I just wanted to reassure you, all you guys who come here and share your concerns and experiences, that you are as much fit for sex, desire and eroticism as any other male, and also make a case that a natural tight foreskin is normal and is erotic, exciting and desirable and doesn't have to be looked nor perceived as any disease nor deformity... is part of the wonderful differences present in nature, and there will certainly be partners willing to enjoy it as it is, intact and tight. happy.gif

kisses and best wishes to all x x

Source: November 2013


  1. Thanks for the kind words :)

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  3. Thats a great text , thank you for your thoughts. Im a male and have the same tight foreskin fetish.
